She works in the medical field and sought these images and shock content to help reduce the inevitable distress she was likely to witness at work. Take, for instance, the UK-based administrator of, Niki. While that assumption isn't completely inaccurate, there is a larger swell of average, 'normal' users on the rise who are exploring gore on the downlow. Surely, no one is that detached from reality and humanity where they'd find entertainment or edification through fucked-up schadenfreude. We'd like to believe that the supporters of this vile tripe are basement-dwelling, pasty misanthropes with necrophilic desires. Nobody needs to know exactly what kind of gurgling sounds a body makes as its being dismembered and mutilated. No one needs to understand how a man's head rolls right after its been decapitated. To witness a human alive one moment, then lifeless the next, pulls us to the brink of our own reality and spotlights the fragility our existence. It's confronting the realisation of our own mortality.īut no one needs to witness a group of young girls being beheaded by militia. Whether we like it or not it's human nature. The internet breeds compulsive curiosity and these shock sites in particular, offer an (albeit skewed) insight into our human nature and the frailty of life itself. In the same way we rubberneck and gawk at traffic accidents, trying to get peek at what and how something happened. Morbid curiosity compels most of us to click these links. Another harmless search will reveal Whitney Houston's corpse laying in her coffin, awaiting burial. Even a simple google image search of "Tupac dies" will show you his graphically mutilated cadaver laying on the autopsy table.

You can easily find videos of executions, young women being tortured or beheaded, body parts being hacked off and real-life snuff films that would make Nicolas Cage's 8mm look like an outtake from Romper Room. The internet breeds compulsive curiosity and these shock sites in particular, offer an (albeit skewed) insight into our human nature and the frailty of life itself The video was immediately removed, but it quickly took on a life of its own in the darker corners of the internet. In 2010 he also took two kittens, suffocated them in plastic bags by removing the air with a vacuum, then fed them to his 16ft albino Burmese python. He is unceremoniously credited for posting the first ever, real snuff film on YouTube. Magnotta is a former gay porn actor and complete nutter who believes that he's a "sexier version of Sharon Stone". An incredibly real and gruesome video graphically illustrating the torture, dismemberment and eventual death of 33 year-old, Chinese-born engineering student Lin Jun. The video was posted online by the alleged killer and self-confessed psychopath, Luka Magnotta, who then mailed Jun's severed limbs to Canadian government officials (for shits and giggles). One of the many offerings found online is "1 Lunatic 1 Icepick". Somewhere between the harmless senior citizen Lemon Parties and the steely reserve of those two girls and their cups, the internet took a very real and extremely dark deviation. The NSFW tag has now become something creepy, gross and evil – requiring you to clear your browser history so you don't have to explain to your employer's IT department why there's cache of gore and splosh porn on your work computer. Websites like, Horrifyingpics and are not new addresses on the internet, but something within our society has changed recently. Though recently, these harmless links have opened-up a new kind of obscenity – truly foul examples of human behaviour which are not only disgustingly gory, but quite often, illegal. We're used to the NSFW acronym, aware that an attachment containing perverse, stomach-churning weirdness is on its way. These shock sites, at best, offered us a gritty and uncensored insight into people's lives and their provocative desires, which until now, were buried deep within the outer-fringes of underground, fetishised subcultures and hidden on encrypted websites. I mean, did you know that there were people in the world who enjoyed sticking glass bottles up their arse and filming it for their internet audience? Me either. And Goatse, and Tubgirl are all gross, yet somewhat insightful.

1 Guy 1 Jar was bloody disturbing, but not evil. 2 Girls 1 Cup was vommy inducing, but not too creepy.

In the past, we'd happily open links from work colleagues or friends tagged with NSFW, expecting harmless, albeit gross insights into the corners of the world that had been hidden from mainstream eyes until the advent of the internet.